Becoming a Literary Citizen
Why not join me? These acts of kindness will make you feel all warm and fuzzy as well. I sincerely believe that as writers we raise ourselves up as we raise each other up. Of course we all would like
(Above) This is the "word cloud" for my forthcoming poetry collection, BLUE ATLAS, from Red Hen Press. This is how it works: you enter in all the text of a poem or a manuscript and your most used words come back to you anew. I like to look at the positive side of life. President Obama said one of the things he learned early on the campaign travel is that most Americans are good. No, not everyone. Most. Let's extend that out to all people, globally. If we get the chance to do the right thing (and it's free and with little effort) we usually do it. So I'd like to start the new year right by being a better literary citizen. Here are the practices I want to do regularly and I invite you to join me! 1. Review your friends' poetry books --- and if you're in the mood --- include a photo as that will increase the chances that others will read it. Here's a review I did of my friend Kelli Russell Agodon's book, Dialogue with Rising Tides. 2. If you don't want to give attention to Amazon, (you can purchase the book anywhere) you can leave a review on GoodReads or on the site of your local independent bookstore. You can also leave a 5 star rating if you don't want to write a review. You need to set-up an account here, but it's free and a great way to keep track of your favorite authors. Actually, you can leave reviews at more than one place. The more reviews a book has, the more the magic algorithm will assure that book be shown to more people. 3. If you have a blog or a newsletter, (or a friend that likes to read!) you can mention a friend's new book. It's true that books are mostly sold by word of mouth. If you recommend a book of poems, even friends who don't often read poetry might buy a copy or take the book out of the local library. Even better, ask your local library to buy a copy! They will! 4. A personally signed copy of a book of poems is a great gift. Okay, this does cost money but you were going to buy your friend a birthday present anyway. Buying a signed copy of your friend's book to give to another friend is definitely a win-win situation. 5. Share a quick poem as a post on social media! If you are reading this, chances are you have a FB, Instagram, Ticktock, or Twitter account. Maybe all 4! It's super easy (and free) to post one of the poems from your friend's book. Just take a photo of the page (one page poems or shorter work best). I know I am always happiest when I start my day by reading a new poem. Why not join me? These acts of kindness will make you feel all warm and fuzzy as well. I sincerely believe that as writers we raise ourselves up as we raise each other up. Of course we all would like more readers, more supporters, but we also feel best when we are helping others---especially the writers we know and love. And if you're inclined to do any of these things for Gallery of Postcards and Maps: New and Selected Poems, I will be forever grateful. An international publisher means that this book has had a harder time finding its readers.